Mindfulness and the Menopause

"Research at the University College London (UCL) has revealed promising findings regarding the efficiency of mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in helping menopause-related mood symptoms, memory issues and concentration problems"

I had a client whose anxiety levels had gone through the roof during peri menopause. She had gone from functioning normally to feeling unable to drive and barely left the house. She accessed HRT through a specialist who recommended me to her.

Over the next few months she committed to changing things around. She tried every technique I suggested and slowly started to get on top of her anxiety.

This was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had while teaching mindfulness. When she came to me she had never heard of mindfulness but was looking for a solution to the problem

She totally changed her life through a combination of HRT, nutrition and mindfulness. She meditated every day and I can see from my SoundCloud that she's still keeping this up. The whole concept was new to her but she just gave it a go.

When she left me she had just got a puppy and had started taking it for a walk just a few steps outside the house, their confidence in the world growing together.

The next time we spoke she had bought a car and started driving again.

It was genuinely a privilege to be part of her journey and one that I'll never forget.
